9 Things (birth-8)

An online course in calm, common-sense, connected parenting (birth-8).

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An online course in calm, common-sense, connected parenting (birth-8).

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Over almost 40 years I have worked as a teacher, counsellor, parenting and resilience educator, supporting thousands of parents to better understand, nurture and connect with their children.

A lot of parents say to me, “Oh I just wish I could take you home with me, Maggie” and what that tells me is that many parents are looking for more than a seminar or a book to support them in their journey. They want an opportunity to learn new ways and strategies, to try things out, to ask questions, to share their challenges and to make lasting shifts in their family lives.

So, given the wonders of modern technology and the busy lives that many parents live, I have created a self-paced 9-week online course that aims to do just that. This course is designed to bring me into your home and equip you with information that will support your day-to-day decision making as a parent.

I've recorded this video to explain how the course works*:

*NB please note since Maggie recorded this video we have changed online course platforms and restructured the way we do things a bit, so our new platform now gives you LIFETIME access (not one year). We also no longer have a forum.

Parenting support and information delivered to you in the comfort of your own home (no babysitter required)

9x 1 hour audio presentations from Maggie arranged into 9 'weekly' topics

Weekly notes and supplementary video/audio to enrich each week’s topic

*The course is based on my book 9 Things: A back-to-basics guide to calm, common-sense, connected parenting birth–8. While it is primarily aimed at parents of children in this age bracket and expectant parents, anyone with children under 10 will find this information useful.

Here’s a full breakdown of what I cover in this course:

1st Thing - Connected Mothering

When I talk about mothering, I am not simply talking about mums. Lots of people in a baby’s life can offer the qualities of mothering but it’s something that the modern world makes more and more difficult. This week, we will discuss:

Why belonging and attachment are crucial to babies’ development
How to create strong attachment and be your child’s safe base
How to build love bridges with your child
Why meeting children’s needs can be hard work and how to handle that.

2nd Thing - The bountiful brain in infancy

A healthy understanding of what happens inside our babies’ brains from the moment of birth and as they grow throughout childhood and adolescence is incredibly helpful to shape the way we parent. We can have huge influence on shaping our baby’s brains, particularly in the first five years. In this session, I’ll touch on:

What supports healthy brain development
Memory and how to make memories that matter
Helping children learn self-regulation
Learning and reading
Mindsets & how they can help or hinder a child.

3rd Thing: Go-slow Childhoods

All parents want the best for their children — we want them to grow up healthy, happy and kind, and to live meaningful lives as adults. We want them to be able to manage living in our chaotic world and avoid becoming overwhelmed by the speediness and busy-ness of modern life. One of the best ways to do this is by calming our children’s lives. Stress is a new challenge to children’s health and social wellbeing in our modern world. This week, I’ll cover:

The high cost of stress for our children
Tips for soothing, calming and relaxing children (and your household)
Dealing with separation distress
Cultivating mindfulness
How to slow down in a sped-up world.

4th Thing - Roosters & Lambs: Temperament Matters

Temperament can often be at the root of some of our most challenging parenting moments. I define temperament according to a spectrum at which either end sits a feisty, noisy rooster or a gentler, quiet lamb. When we view our children like this (and seek to help them find a balance in between), we can be less reactive and more compassionate in our approach to them. This week, I’ll discuss:

The qualities of roosters and how to parent them
The qualities of lambs and how to parent them
Praise and encouragement
Understanding challenging behaviour
The damaging effects of shaming
Creating a family solution-seeking process
Positive parental communication.

5th Thing - The magic of movement and play

Without plenty of natural movement, babies and toddlers run the risk of experiencing developmental delays in all areas of their life. Human beings were born to be movers and living a sedentary life is really a disruption to our nature. In this session, I’ll touch on:

How our risk-averse society is stunting our children’s development
Play and its power to grow happy, healthy kids
Stages of play for babies, toddlers and children
The costs of lack of play
Getting outside
How to bring more play and movement into our children’s lives.

6th Thing - Gorgeous girls and beautiful boys

Gender has a big influence on all of us, not just our biology but also what is expected of us, how we are treated and how we behave accordingly. In this session, I’ll look at some of the common differences between boys and girls, and discuss why the sad statistics and poor outcomes for boys has made me a boy champion. I’ll cover:

Why girls are generally developmentally ahead of boys in the early years
The sexualisation of girls
The importance of dads to their daughters
Why boys need our understanding
The emotional vulnerability of boys
The modern-day ‘warrior’
Helping boys with conflict.

7th Thing - Expectations, belief systems and mindsets - positive memory pathways

Our expectations of ourselves as parents and of our children can often undermine our happiness — particularly if we are measuring ourselves against media-driven ideals of perfection. In this session, I’ll take a look at how our beliefs are formed and how they can stick with us for a lifetime and discuss:

How our beliefs influence the way we behave and feel, and the language we use
How to avoid over-reacting or with anger when our children don’t meet our expectations
Resilience and why it matters
How to encourage flexible mindsets in your children.

8th Thing - Kindness and fairness really matter

Our children’s emotional and social worlds are just as important as their cognitive and physical development. But how do we raise our children to be kind, caring and fair people rather than serial killers? In this session, we’ll dive into:

Emotional intelligence
How to raise a moral child
Why kindness matters and what it means
Building empathy
Avoiding meltdowns and wars
How screens can influence kids’ behaviour
Disciplining with fairness and kindness.

9th Thing - The safe circle of community

Belonging is not just something that makes us feel good; it is a biological drive for survival as we are instinctively terrified of the being excluded from our tribe. In the current context, as our world gets busier and busier, we’re losing our ability to stay connected in real time. How does this affect the way we parent, and what might the impact be on our kids. This week, we’ll look at:

Helping our children to build genuine linkages and have positive, meaningful involvement with others
Why communities matter to resilience
When bad things happen
What you can do today to build your own community.

What you'll get...

The investment for this self-paced, 9-session program is $195, which you can pay in one or two instalments.
This is no more than a private consultation with me would cost (not that I have time for those anymore!), and less than it would cost to come and see me speak live 9 times.

Once you sign up, you will have access to the 9 Things course where you will find:

Course content for each of the 9 Things including one-hour recordings delivered by Maggie, printable notes, further reading links and challenges. All yours to keep.

Bonus Material

As a thank you for signing on to my online course offering, every registrant will receive two free audio downloads from me:

1. My 9 Things Ebook

The course comes with an eBook version of my book, 9 Things.. so you can read along as you progress through the course, or dip into in your own time when you just want to read more about a particular issue. This book is usually worth $14.99.

2. My 9 Things Video Seminar

In this 1.5hour video seminar I run through the 9 things parents and carers really need to know about parenting children in the early years. This video will be a useful complement to the audio and written material in this course. Usually $20.

3. A conversation with Justin Coulson

I recorded this wonderful interview a while ago with this father of six girls and author of What Your Child Needs from You (he's since gone on to write many more books). During our chat, we discussed how to be a mindful parent; dads and daughters; discipline and specifically alternatives to time out; and how to be emotionally available in our busy world.

4. My “Relax & Escape” creative visualisation

This relaxing visualisation for the whole family (especially adolescents and adults) encourages you to completely unplug from the external world to restore yourself to a natural balance of mind, body and spirit, and connect to your own inner resources of strength, creativity, inner awareness and wisdom.

5. My "Flight Fantasy" creative visualisation

This short, relaxing visualisation can be used with individuals or groups aged 5 and older. In it, I use breath, colour, music and the imagery of a bird in flight to take listeners on a relaxing, contemplative journey. From a place of quietness and imagination, I invite you to reflect on your fullest human potential and the way in which you are called to express that. The track is more than a simple relaxation, it plants a seed that will grow in everyday life, manifesting positive outcomes for children and adults alike.

About Maggie

Maggie Dent
Maggie Dent

Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia's favourite parenting authors and educators. She has a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and is an undisputed 'boy champion'. Maggie has written nine major books including the bestselling Mothering Our Boys and her 2020 release, From Boys to Men. She hosts the ABC podcast, Parental As Anything and in July 2021 released a book of the same name. In 2022, she released Girlhood.

My Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the course content or delivery within 30 days of signing up, I will happily return your registration fee. The bonus materials are yours to keep. It is my absolute honour to be able to support families through my work and I look forward to connecting with parents through this course who are committed to quietly improving their lives.

Best wishes,

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

(Prices displayed in Australian Dollars)

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